The Future of Transportation

Date and Time
Monday, June 12th

We are hosting the inaugural edition of our Future of Transportation Conference on the 12th of June. The one-day,virtual conference will feature presentations & meetings with Tesla, Nvidia, Uber, Infineon, Mobileye, WolfspeedAurora, and Aeva .

We will also be hosting a bus tour in the Bay Area on June 14th to meet with executives at Nvidia, Aeva, and Aurora. Please let Antoine ( know if you would like to attend.

The conference will focus on:

  • ADAS competitive dynamics: Competing features, business models & technologies? Evolution of the market structure?
  • Autonomous driving rollout: When? How? Who is best positioned to capture value?
  • Lidars: What will drive adoption? Who is best positioned?
  • EV manufacturing: innovation, integration, cost curve, etc.
  • Power semiconductors for EVs: Who are the biggest beneficiaries of the transition to EVs? Silicon carbide transition?

The agenda is below:


We are also hosting a number of small group meetings on the day with Tesla. Tick the box if you are interested in attending.