Client Call 5G FWA in EM Telcos - Revenue & Returns Analysis: Focus on Africa, India, Indonesia

Date and Time
July 10, 2023 — 3pm UK / 10am EST

New Street Research Communications analyst Chris Hoare will be hosting a call to discuss his recent work on 5G FWA in EM Telcos: 5G FWA in EM Telcos - Revenue & Returns Analysis: Focus on Africa, India, Indonesia

12 months ago we wrote a note on FWA suggesting that mid-band 5G FWA is set to proliferate through the 1bn non-broadband homes in EM. Since then, the market has moved on materially. Many of the largest EM mobile have started to deploy, and Jio announced a target of 100m customers medium term. This call will explain why we find this bullishness is warranted, we will also show our expectations for revenue and ROIC and discuss which stocks are the most exposed to FWA upside.